Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saving American Jobs one purchase at a time.

Ok let me ask you flat out, are you helping save American jobs?  I went shopping today. Just a few groceries, and some cough drops for my little one. 75.00 in wal-mart in an hour.  Sure wal-mart employees are benefitting but who else? Are we buying clothes made in China to save a buck? Vegetables imported from other countries? I bought Peruvian Asparagus the other day. So I am just as guilty as the next person.  Why pray tell am I focused on this problem today.  I do love my fellow man in China, Peru, Argentina, South Africa and other wonderful places around the world. But America is in trouble.
We have jobs being lost right and left, including the planned cut of 500+ jobs at a meat plant in my own town in a little over a month.  We need to be strong financially.  It has gotten to the point where we are so concerned about saving a buck that we buy the cheaper products made in other countries at the expense of our own jobs here.  It is so terrible.  When there is a problem anywhere in the world who steps up? The United States.  We have our soldiers in various countries all around the world, our humanitarian efforts bring various relief to hard hit areas around the globe like Japan and Haiti.
But how pray tell are we going to keep doing this?  We need production in this country and we need it badly.  We need people buying American made electronics and cars.  We need to support our farmers and lumberyards, we need to encourage our government to take steps to encourage domestic growth, not just handing out money to other countries.  We need jobs created, and maintained within our own borders.  We need a president who will make the hard choices and know when to say no, and when to say yes. I don't mean to bash Obama or Bush, both men tried to make people happy and both men received a problem when they came into office.  It's time for balanced spending, controlled spending, we should not be cutting from education within our own borders while financing wars overseas.  We need protection and we need to be diligent in our efforts to fight terrorism and injustice.  But wars are not the answer right now.  We need to focus on healing our land.  I think as a country we need to focus on the home front.  We need to focus on the home, help this country become a single income country, where families can be reunited, children can be raised with adult supervision, marriages can be saved.
It's time for America to start healing, it is a broken country with many weakened supports, America cannot continue the way it has been going. It can't it's time to make a stand.  It's time to encourage each other, with our words, with our actions, and with our pocketbooks.  It's not too late.....yet.

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