Thursday, April 14, 2011

Enjoying Spring and Signed up for the Boise Heart Walk & Tae-Bo

It is beautiful outside, spring is in the air and I have started walking outside. I have signed up for the Boise Heart Walk next month and will be doing the five mile walk.  It will be a lot of fun.  I am looking forward to it. I was challenged by S.L. to see who can get into shape first. I must admit I am terribly competitive.  I find myself working out multiple times a day. I have lost almost 5 pounds in the last three days (according to Wii fit) run/walks, cycling, weights, parking as far as possible (get to that in a min) etc.  I want to drop down to 160 let's see if it happens, love any pointers people have on fitness.
I found something out that actually helps, go the extra mile in everything you do.  If it is tae-bo go though the pain, the run go as far as you can then walk, but run again as soon as you can.  I started doing a couple of things parking at the very end of the parking lot at school and stores, walking across the campus with my backpack then up three flights of stairs no more elevators.
A lot is happening with my friends right now. J.B. is very sick and to be honest I am very worried, I am praying for her believing in a miracle.  She is a good friend and needs to get back on her feet.  S.L. just had a huge answer to prayer.  I wasn't sure if it was the way God was going but I prayed His will and He opened the door, shows how little I know.
These two girls are very close to my heart and glad to have them as friends.  I feel increadable comfortable around them. I must admit I kind of got a schoolboy crush right now for J.B. better keep that in check she hasn't shown any interest yet and I don't want to scare her off. lol  Feel like back in High School again.

Well wish me luck!
oh and I am so sore right now, send a prayer out for me. The Tae-Bo is killing me lol.

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