Monday, March 21, 2011

Dating for real. Yeah why not.

I decided to try something new, to actually date to have fun, to be romantic, to feel that fluttering of the heart.  Why not?  I hang around with women quite a bit and it's always just two friends, grabbing a coffee, a movie, bowling, but just as friends.  No holding hands, no getting lost in someone's eyes.  No excitement and fear of that first kiss.
Sure why not.  I think I am there.  So I looked at a couple personal ads out there.  Met a nice gal already we have been texting this morning, thinking about dinner on Sat.  And you know what? I am having a blast, just thinking the possibly of a nice quiet dance under the stars. Walking hand and hand down the greenbelt. There are just some things that are missing in life.  Tired of missing life.  Time to release that inner romantic I have been hiding for so long.

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